

That'is DevOps?

DevOps is a software development methodology that combines software development (Dev) with information technology operations (Ops) participating together in the entire service life cycle, from design to development process through production support.


The goals of DevOps

  • Rapid development methodologies
  • Rapid quality assurance methodologies
  • Rapid deployment methodologies
  • Faster time to market
  • Iteration and continuous feedback (strong and continuous communication between stakeholders - end users and customers, product owners, development, quality assurance and production engineers)


The benefits of DevOps

  • Environmental stabilization
  • Strengthens consistency, increases uptime
  • Shorter development cycle
  • Manage requirements and code repository
  • Increased output speed
  • Continuous construction, push button deployments
  • Fault reduction
  • Regimental processes, automated tests
  • Process measures
  • Track both time at each step and errors and exceptions

Step by Step

Les étapes of DevOps

Plan: task management, schedules
Code: code development and revision, source code management tools, code fusion
Build: continuous integration tools, version control tools, build status
Testing: continuous testing tools that provide information on business risks, determine performance
Package: artifact repository, application pre-deployment
Release: change management, release approvals, release automation
Operate: infrastructure installation, infrastructure changes (scalability), infrastructure configuration and management, infrastructure as code tools, capacity planning, capacity and resource management, security control, service deployment , high availability (HA), data recovery, log / backup management, database management
Monitor: service performance monitoring, log monitoring, end user experience, incident management